As the school year draws to a close, we have some important updates and reminders to share with you. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all those who have volunteered and supported us during the spring concessions season. As we approach the end of the season, we are still in need of volunteers for a few remaining games. Read on for more details and important dates to keep in mind!
We need your help!
We're quickly approaching the end of a very successful spring concessions season. We have a few remaining games where we need volunteers. Please consider helping out for a game or two, especially if you haven't do so this spring. Thank you! Click here to sign up!
On Friday, May 12 the district wide Dodgeball Tournament will be held at Coffman HS. The Dublin Music Boosters will operate concessions at this event, and we are seeking volunteers from all three high schools to help with this event. A separate sign up has been created with varying time slots and tasks. Please support this event by volunteering!
The deadline to register for the trip is this Monday, May 1st! At this point, we only have 15 students registered for the trip. If you are planning to attend, please register ASAP.
Regardless of your registration date, the first payment will be withdrawn on May 8th.
Summer Rehearsal Change
The practice and Cook Out on has been moved June 30th has been moved! Rehearsal will be from 3-6 and the Cook Out will be from 6-8. Families and siblings are invited to eat some BBQ, play some games, and celebrate the start of the season!
Summer Uniform
Summer Uniform orders will take place in early May. Due to sizing issues and feedback from students/families, we have decided to change the shorts for next season. We are receiving sizing samples early next week and they are about half the price of last years! The polo will stay the same.
Uniform Turn In
Next week, you will receive instructions on how to return your marching band uniform. If you haven't seen it in a while, please gather all of the parts and pieces!
Band Camp Registration
Please take a moment to register for band camp. It is extremely important that we receive all registrations as soon as possible. We use the information from your registration to budget for the season and to provide accurate numbers to our drill writer. If you haven't registered, please visit ASAP to be part of the 2023 Dublin Scioto Band!
Upcoming Dates
May 1 — NYC/PHILA Trip registration deadline
May 8 — NYC/PHILA deposit due
May 11 — Band & Orchestra Concert — Dublin Scioto PAC, 7p
May 16 — Prism Concert — Dublin Scioto PAC, 7p
May 23 — Marching Band Practice — Dublin Scioto Band Room, 6-8:30p