Band camp was an amazing week! We are incredibly proud of everyone's hard work and dedication. We learned drill, memorized music, learned work, and most importantly, strengthened our community by making unforgettable memories together. This is a special group of young people and we can't wait to see what they can accomplish!
Upcoming Rehearsals
Practice on August 10th is CANCELED for Freshmen Orientation
We will perform at Dublin City Schools Convocation on Monday, 8/14. This has been on the calendar, but I wanted to put it on your radar as a reminder. I am waiting on details for performance time, but I can tell you that it will be in the morning around 8am.
We will rehearse on Tuesday 8/15 and Thursday 8/17 from 3-6p. This has been updated on the google calendar.
School Rehearsal Schedule
All after-school rehearsals are mandatory. If you are sick during the day but feel better by practice, you are welcome to attend. There is not a policy that prohibits you from attending practice. That being said, if you're sick, get better! We need you at your best. All rehearsal times have been added to the calendar.
Monday — Full Ensemble, 3-6p
Tuesday — Percussion, 3-5p. Guard, 5:00-7:30p
Wednesday — Winds 3-5p
Thursday — Full Ensemble, 3-6p
Show Shirts
The Show Shirt store will launch soon! We will have the "A Place of Peace" show shirt with the contests on the back and a few other Scioto Band or Scioto High School items available.
We Need Your Help!
Please visit our new volunteer sign-up platform called "Sign-Up" to volunteer for fall band events! We need volunteers to work in the concession stand for home fall sporting events, bus chaperones, field crew, and more! We can't have a season without the help of our dedicated volunteers. Please consider spending a night in the concession stand or riding with us to a competition, it means so much to our students and our program!
The annual DMB Fund Drive is Thursday September 7th. Last year, the Fund Drive raised well over $30,000(!) to support music in Dublin City Schools! We will have more information as we get closer to the event, but we will need drivers, counters, and help organizing food. If you're available, please let us know!