Congrats to the band on a great week 1 performance! This is a big week for the band, please review the updates below.
This Weeks Rehearsal Schedule
Part 4 Drill
Rep 26-end of 3, focus on changes from last week
After School
Part 4 Drill
Learn new choreo in parts 1/2/3
After School
Add music to part 4 drill
Review 1/2 for the game
Run through of 1/2/3 with audio elements
Fund Drive
We are in desperate need of drivers for our annual Fund Drive. This fundraiser relies on adults driving our students to the routes to ask for donations. It's a short commitment for a huge amount of support for your child's experience in the band. Due to permitting for this event, students are not allowed to drive themselves to their routes. We need adults to drive and supervise while they walk. Click here to sign up!
Report time is 5:30, please wear your summer uniform
Bring your water jug, make sure it has ice!
Color guard is not participating in Fund Drive this year
Wind players — eat dinner before arriving to Fund Drive, we are not feeding you this year since you don't have rehearsal before.
Percussion — we are having a cookout before fund drive for you.
We Need Your Help!
We have another home game this week and are in need to volunteers for the concession stands. Please consider donating your time to support our incredible students!
Pit Crew! Lots of percussion parents are signed up but we do still need more help. Football dates are looking good, but we definitely need help for competitions! Link to the signup genius, the access code is pitcrew24. Deadline to sign up and receive free shirt is Friday!
8/30 vs Bishop Watterson
5:30 — Report to Practice Field with instruments in summer uniform
6:35 — Cadence to Stadium for Pre-Game
6:50 — Pregame performance (Fight Song, Star Spangled Banner)
7:00 — Kickoff
9:30 — Anticipated end time
We will wear summer uniforms for this week's game. This is black shoes (marching shoes if you have them,) grey shorts and green polo. You are permitted to wear sunglasses on the march over and in the stands, but not on the field.
At every football game, the students will have 3rd quarter off. Students can say hi to family, get food from the concessions, and meet the other band. However, visitors are not allowed at the band stands at any point in the game. Students must be in their seats with one minute remaining in 3rd quarter.
Students should not bring food or pop into the stands after 3rd quarter.
Upcoming Dates
8/28 — Dublin Music Boosters Fund Drive
8/30 — Home vs. Bishop Watterson
9/13 — @ Thomas Worthington
9/14 — OMEA Louisville
9/20 — @ Worthington Kilbourne
9/21 — BOA Obetz