The Dublin Music Boosters is a 501c3 organization (Tax ID#31-0959975 ) district-wide volunteer organization whose purpose is to support the vocal and instrumental music education for elementary, middle, and high school students within all of Dublin’s schools. The organization is composed of volunteer parents and community members in the Dublin City Schools district.
Who is a booster?
A Booster is a parent who works within the organization to garner support for the music programs.
A Booster is a Dublin schools alumnus who takes a special interest in helping the programs to continue their legacy of excellence.
A Booster is a community member who knows the value of a premier music program in our schools.
Without the band boosters, we would not have a band program! The work from our volunteers ensures that every single band member has the best experience possible.
How can I help?
There are so many ways that you can support the band! Join us in the home and away concession stands, help distribute and organize uniforms, help solicit donations, or even move equipment!
You will get a behind the scenes look at the band program and see a side of your child that you wont see at home. By supporting the band, you create life-changing memories for the band members and make connections and friendships with fellow band families.
Complete the volunteer interest form below!
Band Camp
Band Camp chaperones spend a week at Camp Bountiful in Jackson, OH overseeing a cabin full of students, serving meals and Gatorade, and helping with various tasks so that the students and staff can focus on learning and growing together. Medical professionals needed!
Volunteers are needed to staff the stadium concession stand for fall and spring sporting events. Leaders are needed to organize concessions stock and volunteers. The concessions chair also serves on the board for the district level Dublin Music Boosters.
Special Events
Helps to organize special events throughout the year including Senior honors and festivities, group bonding activities, and the band banquet.
Organizes uniform distribution night, helps with uniform fittings, collects order information for shoes and uniform parts, and other miscellaneous uniform-related tasks.
Pit Crew
Assistance is needed at all football games and competitions in loading, unloading, and moving props, instruments, and other equipment during performances.
Organizes food for competitions, halftime cookies, and water for football games. Solicits donations from local businesses to offset the costs of the meals.
Fund Drive
In early fall, all music students at Scioto will go door-to-door to collect funds in small groups. Drivers are needed to transport the students to and from their routes.
Bus Chaperone
Ride the bus to away games and contests with the bands to ensure the safety of all students. Includes entry into events.